(NOTE: The Book cover may vary if published by different companies.)
Author: Daniel Priestley
Categories: Business Nonfiction
Publisher: local
Cover: Softcover
Book description :NOW IS THE AGE OF THE ENTREPRENEUR – DON’T GETLEFT BEHIND The world is embarking on a new age. The age of theentrepreneur, the agile small business owner, the flexibleinnovator. The days of the industrial age are over. It’s timeto break free from the industrial revolution mind-set, quit workingso hard, follow your dream and make a fortune along the way. Theslow dinosaurs of the industrial age are being outpaced byfast-moving start-ups, ambitious small businesses and technologicalinnovators. Entrepreneur Revolution is a master class ingaining an entrepreneurial mind-set, showing you how to change theway you think, the way you network, and the way you make a living.Successful entrepreneur Daniel Priestley will show you how toembrace the Entrepreneur Revolution and thrive in the newage.
• From a successful entrepreneur who is reaping the rewardsof the entrepreneurial age
• How to shift your mind-set and think like anentrepreneur
• Ways to adapt your lifestyle to be more successful